Make the Best Retirement Pivot (inspiration)

The decision to retire starts with knowing you can retire comfortably. And you want a great retirement, right? You can think of retirement as another pivot — a term familiar to entrepreneurs and business leaders. What do I mean? Let’s look at some definitions. Pivot, a central point where you can turn and step in… Continue reading Make the Best Retirement Pivot (inspiration)

5 Steps Revisited (retirement results now)

Everyone wants to retire comfortably and live a great retirement, right? I was reflecting recently one of my most popular articles, “5 Steps Showed I Could Retire Comfortably.” I talked about my own results and the powerful results my friend Gail got. After doing the work she said, “You helped me turn fear and confusion… Continue reading 5 Steps Revisited (retirement results now)

Celebrate and Honor (4 great retirement steps)

Are you living your life and retirement in celebration of the abundance we have in this modern day? In the US this is Memorial Day weekend. It’s a holiday for honoring those in the US Armed Forces who died in the performance of their military duties. It began as Decoration Day following the US Civil… Continue reading Celebrate and Honor (4 great retirement steps)

Is Retirement Kid’s Play? (answer 3 questions)

Would kids make the best retirees? Kids have retirement figured out What? Go watch kids play. Do you see their energy and enthusiasm and spontaneous joy? My suggestion is that as you watch, soak it up. Learn from it. And then go out and practice that for yourself. I say, get out there and go… Continue reading Is Retirement Kid’s Play? (answer 3 questions)
