I’ll bet you expected to have the freedom to do your own thing, but instead are you thinking, "I'll always have to work because there won't be enough money"?

Hi, I'm Eric, and I know what that feels like... to want to be free, able to relax, and still have the lifestyle I wanted... but it looked like there was no way. Well I found a way that's worked for me and others I've with worked closely.

I mean you’ve been successful.

You’ve loved entrepreneurship or being an independent professional and running your own show.

You’ve loved seeing what was possible and that you could make happen.

You’ve been disciplined when it comes to doing what it takes to be successful.

You've liked the nice lifestyle it allowed you to live.

And yet now you’re worried about your financial future.

Perhaps you're even worried you might have sabotaged yourself -- and you still don't have a plan.

Maybe you’re also worried about being on the same page with your spouse or partner.

Even if you're never planning to retire completely, do you know how much money you'll need and have a plan in place to accomplish it?

Do you know where to get started, even the first steps?

You find yourself floundering.

It’s extremely stressful.

Thinking, “We don't have enough money. We're not preparing to be happy.”

Or, "It takes just one significant accident or illness and I won't be able to work, so how will I be able to take care of myself? Am I prepared for it?"

The future looks bleak, maybe even a fear and a panic like you haven't felt in years.

The two of you may have different perspectives on financial management, maybe even with chaos, pointing fingers, and blame.

So much resistance to dealing with this.

It’s all too much.

You want someone who will sit down with you, help you understand exactly where you are,
and show you how to map out an action plan and checklist that works for your unique situation.

Someone you can trust won’t insist on managing your investments or try to sell you some kind of insurance product.

Hi I'm Eric

Since I was young, I’ve wanted to have my own business. I thought it was my best way to do what I love, use my skills, achieve financial freedom, and do my own thing.

I found my initial success through the more traditional corporate route. I worked hard to position myself to do work I loved, which at that time meant using my business strategy skills to lead teams to create new products and services.

As a successful “intrapreneurial” executive at Bell Labs, AT&T, NCR, and Cisco Systems, I led teams to create new businesses, services, and products that won over $120M in new business. Then I left corporate and founded 2 new businesses of my own that helped entrepreneurs create businesses and lifestyles they loved.

But it wasn’t all a bed of roses. Here I was - divorced, living on my own, determined to keep a positive mindset while living with an incurable cancer, still trying hard to make my business a success, and not making the kind of progress I wanted.

Over the years I’d been trying a bunch of things -- financial advisors, off-the-shelf cookbook systems, etc. -- but none of them worked for me and my situation.

I drew on my MBA and strategy skills, along with all I’d learned as a successful business executive and entrepreneur to step back and look at the bigger picture. I developed my own planning framework and system that I could customize to my particular entrepreneurial situation.

I discovered I could relax, live the way I wanted, and not worry where the money’s coming from… So I retired early!

And then… I kept meeting other entrepreneurs who also wanted financial freedom but were confused, afraid, maybe even panicking.
It’s in my nature to share what I’ve learned and help people, so I began working them and using their feedback to keep simplifying and improving my system.

It’s been so rewarding to see them getting their own great results, turning survival and gloom into a clear action plan and checklist for money freedom.


I believe in being unstoppable – accepting that although our current situation may not be ideal, we can take responsibility for the way it is now and then start taking continual action to create the future we envision.

I believe in thriving in the face of obstacles and setbacks, regrouping and then making choices and taking action aligned with our priorities.

It's about getting really clear about where you are right now, using your talents to find a way to make it work, and then taking focused steps to create your own money freedom.

You won't get quick fixes here. You won't get promises of something magical that will quickly and easily make it all better.

But I promise to tell you what's worked for me and for the other's I've worked with closely.

You can get started by grabbing my free gift. Things will start to make sense and you may start to see there is a way through this.

Wondering where to start? Like I said, grab my free gift.


Hidden Income Streams

Do you have enough money for the lifestyle you want?

You Will Discover:

  1. 2 mindset hacks that create the money freedom to do what you want, when you want
  2. Secrets used to create a multi-million dollar business
  3. The hidden income stream many entrepreneurs overlook

fun facts about me

I recently moved to Florida to be near one of my sons. Together, we walk his dog Toby several times a week.

Although I started as an engineer, I was always interested in other things too. I returned to school and spent 18 months taking pre-med courses. Although I still use things I learned there to this day, I came to realize it was not a good long-term fit. So I pivoted and found a research assistanceship that paid for my master’s degree in systems engineering.

In high school I was part of a small gymnastic circus and catcher on the trapeze. During spring breaks, we toured around the southeast US and did shows.

While working at Bell Labs, I got my MBA. Then I intentionally made a career change into product management and loved it!

I learned to cook after I got divorced and used those skills to lose 30 pounds in 3 months.

what they say

Gisele LaRose Executive Director at WebStudy Foundation

I'm speechless. In a little over a month with a 3rd-part set of ears, we have miraculously taken what looked like survival and moved into abundance. It sounds like an exaggeration, but we could have been homeless. This has been such an effective tool for Curt & I to keep our objectivity around such a contentious topic where it's probable for a couple to hit pitfalls. And there's a lot of power around our ability to monitor and keep tweaking as life goes on. I want to relish and celebrate in the accomplishment - Thank you!

Gail Altschuler, MD Medical Director at The Altschuler Center

“I went from confusion and fear to clarity and a workable plan. I have a much better understanding of the moving parts and how to affect things. The Retirement Calculator gave me a solid platform to move from. It’s a very ambitious program. I’ve put myself in a position for us to achieve our goals. It gave me focus and I dealt with my obstacles.”

Allison Ingels Academic Advisor at Richland College

"Thank you so much for helping me with my retirement planning. It’s the first time I’ve had a way to do it. It really helped me understand where I’m at & what I need to do financially! You really made a big difference for me!"
